Canadian Census 2006: Please Answer YES!!!
The Canadian Census set to be taken this May 16 will include the following question about the release of your information to researchers in 92 years time:
The following question is for all persons who usually live here including those less than 15 years old.If you are answering on behalf of other people, please consult each person.
53. The Statistics Act guarantees the confidentiality of your census information. Only if you mark "YES" to this question will your personal information be made public, 92 years after the 2006 Census. If you mark "NO" or leave the answer blank, your personal information will never be made publicly available.Does this person agree to make his/her 2006 Census information available for public release in 2098 (92 years after the census)?
Yes No
It is imperative for you and everyone you know to answer Yes. Why? I can't claim to be able to explain the reasons any better than Gordon Watts, Champion Advocate for the release of Census Information. The text of his article may be found by clicking here and includes the correspondence he has had with Dr. Fellegi, Chief Statistician of Canada on the matter of publicity surrounding this question. Suffice to say, most people filling out the Census forms will not look at either the Library and Archives Canada or Statistics Canada websites, and we need to get the word out as to why Yes is the best answer. Please talk to your friends, colleagues and neighbours and let them know that Yes is the only way to go on this important question!