Ryan Taylor - A Great Loss to Our Community
Posted on behalf of the National Institute of Genealogical Studies:
Thank you to everyone who expressed concern after receiving notification about Ryan Taylor's disappearance.
Authorities are waiting for an official confirmation of identification, therefore we can give no further details.
Ryan will be greatly missed by the genealogical community. He has been an instructor at The National Institute for Genealogical Studies in the Canadian Studies program for several years. A genealogy librarian by profession, Ryan was noted for his eclectic interests and making friendships during his lecture tours. He was the author of over a dozen books. Many students will also remember an enjoyable week spent with Ryan at our first Research Academy in Salt Lake City when he directed the English program.
A memorial service will be held for Ryan. If you would like to be notified of the details when the family has them finalized, please send us an e-mail at admin@genealogicalstudies.com.
Should you wish to offer your condolences to the family, you can reply to admin@genealogicalstudies.com. You could include your fondest memories of Ryan, anything that makes you smile when you think of him --- maybe comments about how he helped you solve a genealogical 'brickwall'! Since Ryan enjoyed books so much, we will gather your comments and present them to his family in the format of a memory book.
If you would like to read a biography about Ryan, and view his picture, a man with a great smile, please go to www.genealogicalstudies.com; click on INSTITUTE; click on FACULTY & CONSULTANTS; Scroll down to his name.
In sadness......
The National Institute for Genealogical Studies
Louise St Denis
Managing Director
Brenda Dougall Merriman
Director, Canadian Studies