Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Olive Tree Genealogy

Olive Tree Genealogy is a great website featuring FREE databases of information for those researching their American and Canadian family histories. To stay on top of what's new on the site, you'll want to subscribe to the feed for the Olive Tree Genealogy Blog.

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Cemetery Symbols

Do you ever wonder what the various symbols mean when you visit a cemetery? This website includes the majority of cemetery symbols most commonly found. You can also subscribe to the RSS feed for the site as it's updated regularly. Cemeteries and Cemetery Symbols

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Ships Passenger Lists Indexing Project

The Nanaimo Family History Society is in the process of indexing all the Passenger Lists for the ports of Quebec City and Montreal from 1900 to 1921 when this format was "discontinued for a time in favour of the form 30A." The group and its volunteers are doing a remarkable amount of work, and they are now able to accept volunteers from outside of Nanaimo. The full description of the project and the information are available from the NFHS website.

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Saturday, February 24, 2007

Two New Mailing Lists

One of the resources I teach to beginning family historians is mailing lists. The place to peruse the vast number of genealogical mailing lists is through Cyndi's List. A couple of the new ones to look into are
BRITISH-CANADIAN -- For the purpose of researching British
descendants in Canada. To subscribe send "subscribe" to british-canadian-l-request@rootsweb.com

CAN-USA-MIGRATION -- created it for researchers whose ancestors have migrated back and forth from anywhere in Canada to anywhere in the U.S. To subscribe send "subscribe" to can-usa-migration-l-request@rootsweb.com

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Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Taken directly from ancestorsonboard.com:

Findmypast.com, in association with The National Archives, is proud to present ancestorsonboard, a new database featuring BT27 Outward Passenger Lists for long-distance voyages leaving the British Isles from 1960 right back to 1890.

With ancestorsonboard, you can search for records of individuals or groups of people leaving for destinations including Australia, Canada, India, New Zealand, South Africa and USA featuring ports such as Boston, Philadelphia and New York. Passengers include not only immigrants and emigrants, but also businessmen, diplomats and tourists. Images of the passenger lists are available to download, view, save and print.

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Ancestry.ca - Free for three days!

Ancestry.ca is offering a free three-day trial of their service. This offer is only good until February 28th, and requires you to register. I haven't tried it yet myself, but even though you may get occasional advertisements in your e-mail as a result, it's well worth the visit!

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My OLA Presentation

Unfortunately, Blogger doesn't have the functionality that will allow me to post my powerpoint presentation to my blog, so I will have to wait until OLA posts it on the Superconference website, then provide a link to it. I'm hoping that will be done by next week, but I'll post as soon as it's available.

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Friday, February 02, 2007

It has been too long...

I know, I've been very remis in updating my blog, and I can't say that I have any good reasons outside of a really busy work schedule, Christmas vacation, and a bout with something definitely flu like just in time for the New Year! No matter, I'm back, and I'll be adding more to this blog in honour of Ground Hog Day :)

I'll be at the OLA Conference on Saturday, February 3rd presenting a session on Genealogy Resources You Can Use Now! I'll post the powerpoint here after tomorrow, but in the meanwhile, feel free to check out the conference blog.
