Leaving Ontario, Resources for Tracking Ontario Migrants
Leaving Ontario, Resources for Tracking Ontario Migrants is Fawne Stratford-Devai's latest book, available for sale at Global Genealogy in Campbellville, ON. In it, she offers leads for those who have hit the proverbial genealogical "brick wall" for ancestors who have left the province of Ontario. The bonus, according to Rick Roberts, writing for the Global Gazette, is her transcription of one of the resources she consulted when preparing the book. To read more, please click here, and you will also be taken to her transcription of "'Go West' Horace Greely's Advice Taken by Many Canadians" from the The London Adviser published Wednesday April 7, 1880.
Labels: brick wall, Fawne Stratford-Devai, Global Gazette, Global Genealogy, Leaving Ontario, Ontario, Resources for Tracking Ontario Migrants, Rick Roberts, transcription